Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone cleanses our aura from negative, low-vibrational energy (self/other induced) that sticks to the energetic body. These energies can cause us to feel weighed down (guilt, shame), drain us of our energy source (jealousy, anger), or stifle and keep us stuck in our tracks (fear). As the dense energies are cleansed away Rainbow Moonstone helps fill the aura with positive vibrations (i.e. Joy, Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion) and amplifies them. Rainbow Moonstone encourages one to find acceptance within the present moment and connect to the inner-self. Rainbow Moonstone is known to connect to the Moon and the energies of Yin. One can tap into their Yin energy through Moonstone with ease. It is within our personal Yin energy that we find receptivity towards the Self/helpers/guides, and connection to the feelings, intuition, inspiration & clarity.

Rainbow Moonstone Key Words:

  • Joy

  • Auric Cleansing

  • Top Chakras connection (Third Eye, Crown & Above)

  • Inner-Guidance (Feelings, Intuition & Instincts)

  • Connection to Moon & Yin energies

Lillian Sunday