Rose Quartz


“Rose Quartz around the neck can keep one’s interaction with others in the highest possible state of harmony.” -Robert Simmons, The Book of Stones.

Rose Quartz is the stone of Unconditional Love towards others, and the Self. Positive energies full of healing, forgiveness, joy & compassion radiate through these forceful (yet gentle) friends. The Unconditional Love that emanates through Rose Quartz is for all beings: Animals, Minerals, Nature Spirits, Humans, and beings within the invisible worlds. Rose Quartz reunites us with cosmic helpers (‘guides and angels’) while relieving us from stress, and centering us back into our heart.

“The Heart Center is the strongest generator of Light energy in the body— even stronger than the brain. The energy of Rose Quartz helps the bud of the heart unfold into a thousand-petaled lotus of light.” -Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones

Rose Quartz Key Words:

  • Unconditional Love

  • Healing the emotional body

  • Compassion

  • Joy

  • Purity & Light

Lillian Sunday